Wednesday, May 25, 2016

The trip to Tech space!

Tech Space is a building with heaps of technology  gadgets that you can touch and try them out.Some of the things in Tech Space is a 3d printer,giant touch screen ipad and a pen that you can draw your own 3d models.I thought of the 3d printer as a  thing that draws stuff on paper but in 3d.It was a good chance to learn stuff outside of the community.We think we should use the 3d printer for our learning because we are allowed to use it.

Monday, May 16, 2016

3d shapes Front,Side and top veiw

Today in maths we are learning about Front,Side and Top of 3D shapes.We had to find a 3D shape around the class.After that  I chose a pack of cards and had to take photos of the front side and top of the object I chose.

Wednesday, May 11, 2016

We are learning to write a information report.

The Great Spotted Kiwi
A Kiwi is a flightless new Zealand bird. There are five main species of Kiwi.The great spotted Kiwi Is the one that lives here in the coast.The size of the kiwis wings are as big as our little finger
They live In  a bushy mountainous habitat,  have many physical characteristics, and have heaps of prey that they hunt.

Physical characteristics        
The great spotted Kiwi many unique physical characteristics. It has long whiskers so they can feel in the dark. It has long grey soft like feathers The great spotted kiwi is the tallest kiwi,about 45 centimetres tall.

The great spotted kiwi lives in many bushy mountainous places. It lives in damp rainforests so they can hide. It lives in the bush and sleep in burrows so they can keep out of the sunlight because it hates the light,they are nocturnal. The great spotted kiwi can be found Northwest Nelson,the Paparoa range and sometimes Arthur's pass.

Predators and Prey
The great spotted kiwi  has many predators and prey. It has predators that  are Cats,Dogs and Stoats.Kiwis are easily killed by their predators because they have very weak wing muscles and can simply  kill them by picking them up by their chest. Their predators also steal their eggs. It feeds on earthworms,insect and berries they have such good hearing they can hear worms in the soil they can also use their nostrils to sniff them out or the ground.The great spotted Kiwi lives in the bush to hide from these dangerous predators.                       

All Kiwis in New Zealand are endangered and protected.                   Taxonomy[edit]


We are learning to investigate 3 d shapes.

We are learning to write a quality Blog comment.