Monday, August 22, 2016

Me explaining my Whare


  1. Hi Chelsea, your recording was quite good and you made the explanation short and snappy. Maybe next time you could fix the wobbly camera. Overall it was a good video. Keep up the good work from Hamish.

  2. Hi chelsea,I like how you explained your learning very clearly.Keep up the good work on your blog posts.From Mum.

  3. Great explaining Chelsea, you had great lighting so we could see your walls really clearly. Next time you might want to think of a way to keep you camera steady! Your voice was clear and it sounds like you had rehearsed, super effort!

  4. Hi Chelsea. Your descriptions and images are clear and concise. You worked so well on this project to imaginatively problem-solve to connect your ideas with the images you chose. I also enjoyed learning more about you as we went along. Thank you for sharing.

  5. Hi,Miss H Thank you for replying on my blog.We had lots of fun making our Whare .and thank you for helping us make our whare.


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